According to the U.S. Energy Administration, in 1981, a gallon of gasoline cost an average of $1.38. Based on current figures from the U.S. Department of Energy, the percentage increase in the price of a gallon of gasoline is 148% over the last 30 years. Meanwhile, data from The Congressional Research Service and the U.S. Administration on Aging show that the median income for persons age 65 and above during this same 30 year period has increased only 48 percent. This trend is not limited to just gasoline prices; the costs of housing, food, energy, and many other commodities have soared through the roof.
Most Americans are familiar with the concept of inflation and they understand that inflationary pressure makes it increasingly harder to get by, financially. What many people are missing is the connection between the last thirty years and the next thirty years.
When planning for retirement, people commonly anticipate a period of approximately thirty years. But yet, they fail to ask a simple question, “If inflation drove the cost of living up so dramatically during the last thirty years, what will happen over the next thirty years?”
When planning for retirement, people commonly anticipate a period of approximately thirty years. But yet, they fail to ask a simple question, “If inflation drove the cost of living up so dramatically during the last thirty years, what will happen over the next thirty years?”
If gas prices continue to increase at the same rate, in thirty years a gallon of gas will cost close to ten dollars! Food and other living costs will also experience similar cost increases. What would be the impact of these massive cost of living increases on your retirement lifestyle? Could you afford to pay over $8.50 for a gallon of gas?
The answer is grim for most prospective retirees.
There’s no doubt that inflation is a major threat to retirees. Yet, with proper planning, you can mitigate inflation’s impact.
The Hidden Wealth System’s Personal Protected Pension Plan™ can help you protect against inflation. Our Personal Protected Pension Plan™ provides you with a proven, safe-money solution, that helps protect your retirement from inflation; a retirement that is also tax-advantaged and free from market losses. Our unique design increases your retirement income as inflation rises to help protect your lifestyle from the effects of inflation. You can’t hope to keep pace with inflation using traditional retirement programs; learn how you can plan to beat Inflation. Inflation is a very real threat to retirees and those planning for retirement, but with careful planning, the risks can be minimized.
Don’t risk running out of money before you run out of life. Protect your hard-earned life’s work and immunize yourself against inflation. Imagine, living your retirement years with an income stream that is tax-advantaged and inflation-protected; safe in the knowledge that your income affords a lifestyle that allows you to be really retired. Contact Millie today at (866) 998-7699 or email her at: and begin protecting your savings against inflation today!
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